2024 Summer FCS Newsletter

2024 Summer FCS Newsletter

2024 Summer FCS Newsletter

June 2024 Edition

Family & Consumer Sciences
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FCS 2024 Summer Newsletter

Health Bulletin  As the weather warms, the sun shines brighter and it is light outside for longer each day. These environmental changes make it more enticing to spend time outdoors.
Moneywise When you shop, you probably expect that the seller will treat you fairly, offer a reasonable price, and sell a safe product.
Club News Nimble Thimble Quilt Guild, Woolies, Evening Quilt Group
Canning Basics 101 Join us for a FREE in-person, hands-on workshop. Water Bath Canning & Pressure Canning Workshops
June/July Calendar  Nimble Thimble Quilt Guild, Woolies, Evening Quilt Group, Heart Healthy Cooking, Canning Basics, Kids Cooking Camp